Friday, April 17, 2009

Genesis of an invention

If your a golfer then I would assume with strong conviction that you would absolutely love my device the chipinator chipping device. aka CCD.

The project began back in the summer of 2004 from the concept that folks, especially those that play golf, would prefer to chip their golf balls into a machine that would reward them by ejecting the golf ball back to them after every successful shot into the netting.

I have conducted market research on folks from the golf channel in Dallas, Texas as well the Gin resort in Orlando, Florida. Having gained acceptance from the golf channel, I now have reasonable references to support an initial funding of the chipinator project to the next phase of development. Having produces a stronger prototype along with a stream line business plan, a portfolio can be produce to demonstrate possible market value.

I have attempted to contact a local bank in Monterrey Park and conducted what is known as a field exercise. We had a telephone conference the very next morning about funding the initial commercial introduction of this project. The guy from the bank never called back. I wounder if it was something I said; or was it something I did not say. How I was planning to pay back the loan.

So if your a golfer would you want to practice with the chipinator?